Academia suits my work style – where I can keep going until a job is finished and I am on a roll.
It doesn’t quite suit my leisure style, which involves actually having some.
This new gig involves three 10 week teaching periods in a row, with about a week inbetween to prepare for the next teaching period, so I KNOW it is atypical, and that I will not be skipping weekends and sleep after September. It comes with being new and setting things up. Never, ever, ever again will I have such a merging of work and me-time.
All the things students need from me are due this Monday, so I am working through this weekend right until the last minute.
Today’s blog post is just a snap I took on my beach walk this morning.
For BlogJune 2021 so far, I have posted a picture of the rainbow succulents at my door. And of fairy mushrooms. And the ocean.
Today, life presented me with this mashup – a succulent garden with a fairy mushroom next to the ocean…